Lent 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

               Every year during lent I mindlessly give up something that I probably shouldn’t be doing anyway, or at least be doing in moderation, such as; chocolate, candy, beer or tv.  Then I don’t replace that void with something productive that would benefit others, and therefore glorify God.  This year I’m going to try something a little different – discipline!  I’m a “thinker” and have many ideas I share verbally with others, but never write down in an organized fashion.   Although my ideas are no more or less valuable than others, I would still like to share them in case they make a difference in society.  Besides, I just want to be remembered for contributing something when I’m gone.

               This year I’m going to work on writing something every day, at least a half page – 250 words.  I don’t need to “blog” something each day, but work on the blog until it is complete and ready for sharing.  Along with this, I will go to bed between 12:30 & 1 rather than 2 & 2:30, but I won’t be getting-up earlier. 🙂   Also, I will walk, or at least exercise every other day.   What will I look forward to at the end of the day (besides the feeling of accomplishment and maybe comments when I publish)? – a glass of wine.  But if I don’t write or exercise, no wine!

               So what topics will I blog about you may wonder.  First let me preface this with this reminder, anything I write in my blog space, or copied onto my Facebook page, is my own individual thoughts, not DD Council’s of which I am chair.   Many of my thoughts and ideas may correspond with what council supports, but some may not.  I write political and social commentary leaning a little right of center.  I think the Libertarian viewpoint is interesting, but I don’t align myself with any political party or persuasion, although for voting purposes I am register as “Republican”.  People having a strong allegiance to their party’s platform I believe to be the reason we have such problems on the Capital.  Too many people are so intimately tied to their party’s belief system (both Democrats and Republicans) that they don’t know the difference between a “principle” and a “preference”, never mind morality, which is a different story, and hardly heard on Capital Hill, and too often not practiced there.  People hang on to their political persuasion like it’s their religion.  They are so busy being “correct” in their viewpoint to get anything done.  (Now you see from this rant why I put these are my thoughts, not council’s.  I can get carried away)!  Life is about compromise – nothing’s taught me this more than marriage even though I have the best husband.

               So back to topics you may hear in my blogs; Marriage – a lost tradition.  The institution of tomorrow (controversial).  Guns and Piers Morgan.   People with disabilities – millions invested to keep them poor and powerless.  The theology of disability.  Self-directed care in the DD system – does it exist?  What is “equality” vs “inclusion”? – Is equality attainable for people with DD or should we settle for inclusion?  And much more!  Write me suggestions on topics you desire to hear from me.


10 thoughts on “Lent 2013

  1. I am forever impressed by your clarity of vision with regard to the bio psychosocial model of humans; and proud of your tenacity to speak freely. I look forward to reading your blog and learning from you! Peace to you and your wonderful husband.

  2. Hey Renee,
    Welcome to the world of blogging! Since I’m not Catholic I don’t think I have to give up anything for lent. 🙂 I look forward to reading your stories. Happy writing!

  3. Looking forward to reading your blog. Already have a few thoughts of my own on the subjects you mentioned and will share through comments.

  4. Renee! I miss you soooooo much! I can’t wait to read and for lent I will add a glass of wine each time I read your blog. 😉 Love you!

  5. I work with Shari at GESMV and am pleased to welcome you to the blogging world. Looking forward to hearing more. Don’t worry, ranting (and rambling) is common. This is a great Lenten promise…good idea. I am trying not to eat after 7 p.m. and giving up all fried foods. Gonna be tough…I’m so hungry as I type this.

    • Hi Kim,

      Good luck on fasting after 7pm – when one perceives they can’t have something they want it more! Thanks for reading!

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